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SHIELD Helicarrier
HMS Valiant

A helicarrier is an airborne aircraft carrier used by SHIELD as a mobile command center.

SHIELD Helicarrier Specifications

  • A SHIELD helicarrier appears to be at least as large as a US Navy Nimitz-class carrier.
  • The ship is lifted by four turbines that are at least ten meters across.
    • The ship can land safely on water, during which the turbines are submerged.
    • The ship can maintain altitude if one turbine fails, but will lose altitude if two or more fail.
  • Power for the ship isn't specified, but it presumably comes from an advanced nuclear power plant.
  • The carrier has a full air wing, including modern jet fighters with VTOL capabilities.
  • Reflectors on the ventral hull allow the carrier to camouflage itself from ground observers.

Doctor Who Helicarrier

The Master designed a helicarrier, the HMS Valiant, for UNIT while he was living on Earth as "Harold Saxon". It was completed in less than 18 months and served as his base of operations during his takeover of the Earth. The ship itself and those on board remembered that takeover when that timeline was erased by the Doctor.

The Valiant was later destroyed during a Dalek invasion.