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The Goa'uld are a species of eusocial parasitic sapients that are the first revealed and primary villains for much of the Stargate franchise.


Goa'uld resemble lampreys and are about thirty centimeters long. They are capable of entering the body of a humanoid to commandeer control of it. Once established, the parasite increases the host's lifespan, strength, and general health. Advanced technologies, such as sarcophagi, further increase the host's life expectancy to practical Imortality.


Native to P3X-888, the Goa'uld emerged as a powerful faction after the collapse/Ascension of the Ancient civilization. Using the Stargate network, the Goa'uld managed to come across ancient Earth and posed as gods among several early Terran civilizations. They relocated populations of humans to various other worlds, transplanting human civilizations across the galaxy and eventually abandoning Earth. The Goa'uld established a feudal empire over most of the Milky Way, keeping themselves in power via armies of Jaffa and religious indoctrination, with human serfs under the Goa'uld worshiping them as gods.


Goa'uld society was feudal, but far from united. The Goa'uld sphere of influence was divided into different kingdoms consisting of several planets ruled by a System Lord, who in turn had several administrators ruling over smaller domains within the kingdom. Various staffs of officers, administrators and scientists served these administrators. Beneath them were the Jaffa, who served the Goa'uld in a military capacity, and human serfs and slaves.

Under normal conditions, the Goa'uld system lords were constantly at each other's throats, vying for power in a semi-ritualised form of warfare, cooperating only in the face of major threat to their status-quo.

Threat Assesment

At their peak, the Goa'uld collectively had a vast intersteller domain under their control and were the dominant faction in the Milky Way Galaxy and ruled over billions of Human Serfs. However, most of these worlds are at an iron age period of development, although there were some Industrial Hubs such as Delmak where shipyards. Each System lord commands a fleet of Ha'tak class Motherships, each one capable of reaking massive damage on a planetary civilization via orbital bombardment with weapons rated at 200 megatons.

Goa'uld Ground forces are composed of Jaffa Infantry, which as stated before normally fight in a semi ritualized form of warfare. The Standard Jaffa Infantryman is clad in metallic armor which offers some protection against small arms as well as a spear shaped staff weapon capable of firing off energy bolts at a rate comprable to that of a semi automatic rifle as well as more powerful staff cannons and Zat'nikatel sidearms. Despite this, their total lack of indirect artillery or ground vehicle support, camoflauge, night vision equipment and use of outdated tatics such as massed charges puts Jaffa at a massive disadvantage against Terran Infantry in combat. This is somewhat made up for in airpower with Al'kesh Bombers and Death Glider Fightercraft.

Goa'uld of Note

  • Ra
  • Ba'al
  • Apophis
  • Anubis
  • Yu
  • Sokar