Yuuzhan Vong

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Revision as of 17:12, 28 December 2007 by Ted C (talk | contribs) (reorganized)
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The Yuzzhan Vong are a species humanoid sapients of extra-galactic origin in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. They are notable for launching an invasion of the Star Wars galaxy in 25 ABY.


Externally, they resemble humans to a degree but are distinguished by their sloped foreheads, grey-and-yellow skin, and short noses.

Masochism is a common element throughout Yuzzhan Vong culture, and headscars are considered a symbol of rank in their society.

Yuzzhan Vong technology is biological.


Yuzzhan Vong society is highly religious and is divided into a number of castes -- including Warrior, Priest, Shaper (Genetic Engineer) and Intendant -- each with its own culture and its own gods.

Fan Reaction

In general, the fan reaction to the Yuzzhan Vong has been negative, largely because of biowank.
