Talk:ST weapon accuracy and range

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Revision as of 12:29, 26 January 2011 by Ted C (talk | contribs)
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Kane Starkiller: The idea is to have this article populated with as many examples as possible so don't hesitate to add more examples or even edit existing text if you feel something is omitted or inaccurate.

Mike: Nowhere in "Conundrum" does Worf or anyone repeatedly state that the ship's range is 300,000 km.

Hey Ted, I saw where you started a whine-fest thread on SDN. I challenge you to come back to SFJN and debate the Star Trek verus Star Wars ranges. I also note that you edited out evidence of longer ranges by visual as well as dialog, especially on the "The Die is Cast" and "Arsenal of Freedom" sections.

Right. Me pointing out that something potentially interesting is happening is now a "whine fest"? Whatever... --Ted C 12:16, 20 December 2010 (UTC)

The Wounded

I don't see any reason to think the battle between the Phoenix and a Cardassian warship takes place at sublight speeds.

  1. The target of the Phoenix, a Cardassian supply ship, is on an interstellar supply run. If unaware of the Phoenix, it will be cruising at warp just to get to it's destination in a reasonable amount of time.
  2. If the supply ship is aware of the Phoenix, it will be running at maximum warp, hoping to get away or buy time for a Cardassian warship to save its ass.
  3. The Phoenix will therefore be travelling at warp to intercept or catch the supply ship.
  4. The Cardassian ship will therefore be travelling at warp to intercept the Phoenix.

There is no logical reason for this battle to take place at impulse speeds. The subsequent battle takes place very quickly, with no drastic slowing of any of the ship's involved. If they seem to be moving slowly relative to each other, it would be because the tactical view on the screen is "scrolling" with them. --Ted C 12:29, 26 January 2011 (UTC)