Rebel Alliance

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The Rebel Alliance, sometimes also just called the Rebellion, is a resistance organization dedicated to overthrowing Emperor Palpatine and returning democratic rule to the Star Wars galaxy.


The Rebel Alliance was formed by the collaboration of Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Garm bel Iblis, Padmé Amidala and others almost immediately after Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor with the overwhelming approval of the Senate.

Equipment and Spacecraft

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In Debates

The Rebel Alliance doesn't appear in vs. debates as often as the Empire. Probably the most well known use of them is in one the most common Trekkie arguments, boasting that if the Rebels could defeat the Empire, the United Federation of Planets could do so as well. This argument has multiple flaws:

  • It ignores the role of Palpatine's overconfidence in the Rebels' victoryat The Battle of Endor
  • It ignores the fact that the Rebellion possess the same technology as the Empire, and their industrial capacity is, in own its right considerable, since they've built ships dwarfing nearly anything seen in Star Trek. Consequently, there's no reason to assume that the Federation could defeat the Rebel Alliance, let alone the Empire.