Mike DiCenso

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Mike DiCenso is a rabid trektard and regular member of StarfleetJedi forums.

Greatest Hits

Basically light and medium TLs appear to be in the low single and double-digit kiloton range based on older TL-to-asteroid scalings done on the Strek forum several years ago that put the TESB asteroid at no larger than 14 meters wide, and no smaller than 1 meter. The rough average being 6-8 meters. ... I still went with a rather generous 8 meter asteroid (All the educated participants in the debate scale the asteroids in question to 20-40 meters, even up to 70 meters yet Mr DiCenso insists they're no bigger than 14 meters and calls eight meters 'generous')

It also generously assumed that the asteroids were solid spheres of iron that were being vaporized, rather than loose collections of oblong or lumpy shaped rock. novelization. (Copying Stewart at SDI idiotic claim that the asteroids in TESB were soft and easily pulverized even though they survived collisions with metalic TIE fighters.

I would have to assume that a TL does not really vaporize anything using DET, but rather uses a technobabble mechanism to shunt matter into hyperspace. (Trektards on StarfleetJedi love to assume a passage in a Star Wars novel describing the superlaser giving planetary matter a "superluminal "boost"...into hyperspace" somehow lowers the energy requirements of the Death Star. They like to play these little word substitution games, replacing "boost" with "shunt" and pretend their reworded version is the canon.