
From Imperial Wiki
Revision as of 17:57, 14 November 2007 by Vehrec (talk | contribs) (→‎Hyperspace)
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Hyperdrive is the method of faster-than-light travel used in Star Wars. It allows ships, from massive ISDs to small fighters such as the X-wing, to be able to travel the galaxy in a few hours or days at most.


Hyperdrive allows for faster-than-light travel by pushing ships into Hyperspace. The exact nature of Hyperspace is largely unknown, but there are various ideas as to what it is, such as:

  • Hyperspace being another dimension of space, one where the lightspeed barrier is non-existent.
  • A parallel universe.
  • Simply the way the universe is viewed when traveling faster than light.

Indeed, hyperspace may be paradoxically all these things at once. If this gives fans headaches, its probably best to simply accept that Hyperspace IS, and get on with your life.

Hyperdrive Speeds

Hyperdrive allows ships to travel the galaxy in a matter of hours or days.

<TODO: Insert Hyperdrive speed calcs here>