Cloud City

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Cloud City is a port city and tibanna gas mining complex floating in the atmosphere of the gas giant Bespin on large-scale repulsorlift equipment. Lando Calrissian was a notable administrator of the City. Land became in charge of the city after winning the city from the previous owner in a game of Sabbacc. He was leader of the city until the arrival of Darth Vader and the Rebels, Han Solo, Leia Organa and Chewbacca. Led there by the bounty hunter Boba Fett, Vader was hoping to use the rebels to lead Luke Skywalker into a trap. Vader planned to inflict pain on the rebels to use Luke's connection with the Force to attract him to the complex. Vader intended to use one of the city's carbon freezing chambers to freeze Skywalker in order to take him swiftly to the Emperor and to ensure it wouldn't kill his quarry, he tested it encasing Han Solo in a block of Carbonite alloy. Luke was able to escape the trap but lost his hand and lightsaber in his duel with Vader.

The upper levels of the city are made up of the residences of the citizens of the city as well as its administrative offices. The lower levels of the city are dedicated to the Tibanna Gas processing and refining systems that prepare the gas for shipment to the various customers of the city. Below the city, are some weather vanes and sensor equipment that maintains the city's altitude as well as a array of tractor beams that are used in the harvesting of the Tibanna Gas. As Tibanna Gas if used in the manufacture of blasters, and Lando was selling to less then savory customers, Vader was able to use that to help convince him to turn in his old friend Han Solo.