Mon Cala

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Mon Cala is a planet in the Star Wars galaxy. It is the homeworld of both the Mon Calamari and Quarren races.


Much of the planet's surface is covered in ocean, with only a few scattered islands of land. The ocean boasts a diverse ecosystem, including two native species of sapients, the Mon Calamari (also known as Dacs) and the Quarren, with the Mon Calamari being in general the most established and prominant of the two, which has resulted in social friction on various occasions.


Disputes between the Mon Calamari and Quarren were important during the Clone Wars. The Mon Calamari favored the Galactic Republic, while the Quarren favored the Separatists.

Some time after the Clone Wars, Mon Cala was conquered by the Galactic Empire and its population enslaved, but it later shook off the Imperial yoke and became a key member of the Rebel Alliance.