Industry in the SW Galaxy

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Heavy industries are common and frequently identified in Star Wars.


Official sources identify numerous major corporations in the Star Wars galaxy.

Kuat Drive Yards

Kuat Drive Yards is a major starship manufacturer most noted for building Imperial Star Destroyers.

Kuat drive yards proper was both a home of and monument to the power of Industry in the Galaxy. Unlike many planets that are famous for their industrial output, Kuat itself was pristine and clean. A garden world, the planet Kuat was inhabited by the owners of what was one of the wonders of the galaxy, orbiting over their heads.

Orbiting the planet Kuat was a solid ring, several thousand kilometers above the planet's surface. This ring was the primary shipyard for the planet, and would build the lion's share of the Imperial Fleet. There were several other shipyards scattered through the system, the most impressive of which was an outer ring of independent stations that completely encircled the star system.


Incom is a well-known builder of smaller starships, including the X-wing that served the Rebel Alliance so well during the civil war.

Baktoid Combat Automata

Baktoid Combat Automata manufactured a variety of battle droids that were widely used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

Industrial Technology

Construction Droids

Sometimes referred to as the Death Star's little brothers, these automatons were the primary means of Urban renewal on Coruscant. Each was a towering edifice that 'walked' along the 'ground', serving as a mobile factory and wrecker. As materials were broken down at one end of the droid, they were reformed and reused in the construction ongoing at the other end. The exact mechanisms remain unclear, but these droids are able to erect fully functioning factories in three days.

Second Death Star

The second Death Star was, at 900 km in diameter, much larger than the original. It was in construction around the forest moon of Endor when it was attacked by the Rebel Alliance.

While the original Death Star took 19 years to complete, but second Death Star was operational in a matter of months.

The second Death Star's main superlaser could recharge faster than the DS1 laser, allowing it to fire more often. New targeting computers improved its accuracy, which allowed it to fire lower-power bursts at capital ships.

According to, the second Death Star, if completed, would have featured over 30,000 turbolaser batteries, 7,500 laser cannons, 5,000 ion cannons and 768 tractor beams.